god loves you

The Good News

  • Creation

    You are perfectly made in the image of God.

  • SIN

    We reject God in an attempt to fulfill our own desires in our own strength and methods. Leading us to fall short of what God has planned for us. Separating us from God, that separation is sin.

  • Salvation

    God the father sends His son Jesus Christ (God in flesh) to live a perfect life, but die a sinners death by being nailed to a cross. After three days he rises from the grave overcoming death and hell for humanity. We are reconciled back to God in perfect relationship when we trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and believe in our hearts he died on the cross for our sins and is the son of God.


    One day Jesus will return making all things new. Eliminate all darkness and evil and reestablish a home of peace and unity with him. Those who are followers of Jesus Christ will dwell with him for eternity.



Sometimes reading about something is not enough. You need to hear it, feel it, and see it. Here’s a couple of different expressions of God’s love for you. Through spoken word.